Sunday, February 27, 2011

F.A.S.H.I.O.N - My Endless Love

To say I was bitten by the fashion bug since birth would be a cornfed lie. However, when I fell in love, I fell pretty hard. You can always pinpoint what your passion is if you're willing to do it for free. That's just what I did. TFP photo shoots, fashion show production and wardrobe styling was my claim to fame in college. Just when I received my fashion degree and called myself stepping out into the real world to make mula, I had no plan and we were on the brink of a recession. Realizing that my city was not booming with fashion leads, I found myself day dreaming about my future quite often. I knew I was creatively capable of doing most things, but I allowed excuses to put things off instead. Ignoring the encouragement of my Literature professor began to haunt me. As time went on I began to realize that just maybe I should follow through on my promise to complete my manuscript, but life got in the way and my dreams were not paying back any of my student loan debt. So here I am feeling like a jack of all trades and a master of none, I've taken a leap of faith and decided to enter the blog world and see where it takes me. Hope you enjoy this blog as much as I'll appreciate the journey.

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